Build Your Self-Confidence

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Embrace the Chaos

“In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity” Sun Tzu

Out of every situation comes an opportunity. You might as well embrace it! 

Here are a few tools to help you manage the Chaos of life. 

Say NO 
If you worry about hurt feelings or the people in your life being unhappy - make today the day you dare to Say No.

Say NO to what you don't want and YES to happiness by taking charge of your life.

It's all an opportunity
Look at everything in your life as an opportunity and don't take it personally. It's not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not their fault. 

We are all doing our best even when it seems like we could do way better.

Be organized and intentional
Have a clear schedule for yourself.

If you are a business entrepreneur like me and you don't have a schedule, your business will most likely fall apart when chaos appears at your doorstep.

A number of years ago I had a health crisis and because I had everything in place, my business continued to grow in spite of my circumstances. 

Know yourself well 
The first thing you need to know is you! What do you want, what do you like, what don't you like,? What's next, what trips you up and how do you deal with it?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle

When you identify what’s holding you back, you will stay awake to your life. You will bring out the bold, brave you and shine with the light of a thousand stars. Don’t forget to grab your free workbook that will help you become the confident person you were meant to be.


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